• March 12, 2013

Patches! Yes We Have Them.

Patches! Yes We Have Them.

Patches! Yes We Have Them. BIKE VIRGINIA

Yay for patches you say. Patches have a funny history with the tour. Once patches were given away to every rider at the end of the ride. Then they were placed in the rider packets. Sadly, both led to lots of waste.  We threw away thousands of unwanted patches over the last few years. It broke my heart!

In a move to be more conscious about our waste we decided it was time for the patch to go. That was 2012.

Well, that did not make some of you happy.  And we understand.  When you have a collection of patches and suddenly there aren’t any more, then it’s pretty darn upsetting!  (Read below about the 25 year patch).

We listened to your comments and have come up with a new solution. We will presell patches online during registration.  We’ll also have just a few available for purchase in the store. This cuts back on waste and lets you get patches if you like them.

Patches are on sale now through April 1 in our online store via the Registration Website.    You will need to enter your registration confirmation number to begin the process.  This number (12 digits and starts with a “V”) can be found on the email that was sent to you confirming your 2013 Bike VA Tour registration.

We are offering 2 patches for sale:

The 2013 Event Patch- 3 inchesX 3 inches $4.00

The 2013 Tour Patch

The 2013 Tour Patch









The 2012- 25th Anniversary Patch- 3 inchesX 3 inches $4.00

25th Anniversary Patch for 2012

25th Anniversary Patch for 2012