Become a Bike Virginia Tour Ambassador and earn discounts on registration and other Bike Virginia items.
Ambassadors propose the activities they would like to do to promote or support the event. Here are some suggestions:
- Make a presentation to a local bike club or other group about the tour
- Attend cycling or sports events as an exhibitor on our behalf
- Deliver posters and promotional materials to bike shops in your community
- Organize a training ride or other social activity in your area
- Wear our kit and hand out materials on organized rides.
- Secure donations for our raffle
- Be a camp host (answering rider questions at the event)
- Working with staff to create fun activities during the tour
- Help us create new programs or services to improve rider experience
Our Relationship
We’ll work with you to create an Ambassador relationship that fits your schedule and preferences. Discounts will be based on time commitment and activity type (for example, deliver posters and postcards to 10 bike shops and receive $30 off registration). More involved activities or program development will be rewarded with significant discounts.
Ambassador agreements will include benchmarks or other measurements agreed upon by both parties. Examples of this would be a sign in sheet from a presentation, or business cards for bike shops you delivered posters to.
If you love the tour, then you’d make a great ambassador.